
Alec Caputo

Full Stack software engineer building modern web applications using bleeding edge Javascript and React.js.


Full Stack Software Engineer

  • React, Redux/Context API (and the flux pattern), and Reach Router
  • React Hooks
  • ESLint, Flow, and Jest/Enzyme
  • Webpack and Babel configuration proficiency
  • Functional javascript with cutting edge ES2018+ Javascript
  • MaterialUI
  • Advocated for, researched, and moved the entire frontend from ES5/Require.Js to ES6 native import/export using webpack
  • Maintain a PHP/MySQL app using Doctrine ORM
  • Develop .NET API's
  • Familiar with the Azure ecosystem, including Azure Functions.

Javascript, ReactJS, Redux, Reach Router, RamdaJS, Babel, Webpack, Grunt, CSS/LESS, jQuery, MaterialUI, PHP, MySQL, Azure, .NET C#



API for the SkiLift react app using Node.js, Express, and Mongo

Node.js (experimental mjs Files.), Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, Javascript, Security (JWT auth)

Built with functional Javascript and React Native

Javascript, React Native, CSS, Functional Programming

Ride sharing app with skiers and snowboarders in mind

Javascript, React Native, CSS